It was about noon when the old deck was removed and out of the way. Dimwit me thought everyone would knock off for lunch. I left and when I returned at 12:40p I was shagrined to see the new span was already in place! Oh well.         
Date: 10/9/2018 Location: Lynchburg, VA   Map Show Lynchburg on a rail map Views: 122 Collection Of:   G. R. Harper
Author:  G. R. Harper
It was about noon when the old deck was removed and out of the way.  Dimwit me thought everyone would knock off for lunch.  I left and when I returned at 12:40p I was shagrined to see the new span was already in place!  Oh well.
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  Bridge deck replacement. NS Fishing Creek trestle. Lynchburg, VA.
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