Glint of steel         
My dad, uncle, and grandfather all went to Syracuse. Thus, football games were an important facet of their lives. This day in October of 1953 saw the Orangemen playing West Point. Dad was a senior that year, and my uncle Pete was a freshman. My grandparents lived on Long Island, so coming up to West Point for the game was not a long drive-not that long trips bothered them. I believe my grandfather, Frank Beckett, shot this NYC train across the Hudson River from the field. My guess is its a grab shot. He saw the train coming down the river and blasted off a frame, just because. At this point, its likely the power is a pair of Es-its too far away to tell if theyre E7s or E8s, Central had both-or possibly PAs or one of the few FMs NYC rostered, though either of those are unlikely here. Whatever they had, its a beautiful scene.
Date: 10/24/1953 Location: Garrison, NY   Map Show Garrison on a rail map Views: 301 Collection Of:   Tom Beckett
Author:  Tom Beckett
Glint of steel
Picture Categories: Scenic,Passenger,Action This picture is part of album:  Dad's photos
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