My grandpa signed out of school at 10:05 A.M. from Malden High School. The train was symboled SSLME 21, it went through Dupo, IL at 5:25, it passed Gorham at 8:11, Simbco at 9:02, Delta, MO at 11:38, arrived at North Dexter at 13:02, left at 13:38, got to Bernie at 13:52, arrived into Malden at 14:04, departed at 14:48, arrived into Memphis, TN at 20:42, was interchanged with the NS and arrived into Jacksonville, FL on November 23 on the CSX, and got to its Tampa, FL Winter Home Base on the 24th. The train was 5,623 tons, 5,301 feet, and had 58 loads and 0 empties. They rocketed south here at about 65 mph and blew the horn 4 times at me. The entire train is in view. The train was the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey 134th Edition Blue Unit Circus Train. See all the cars in order at: . |